Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Week 12 reflection

This week I continued to teach the students about community workers and number identification.

On Monday, for my math lesson, I had the students listen to the story : Ten Little Ladybugs. After we read the story, we reread it and counted how many ladybugs we saw. I kept pointing out the numbers on each of the pages to remind the students what they stood for. After reading the story the students were given game pieces of flowers and ladybugs. They had to match the number of dots on the ladybug to each flower piece.

Overall the students did a great job on the activity. JL did not follow directions while playing the game so I had to take his game pices. I offered him another chance to participate in which he refused to so I had to make him pull a card. SD did not follow directions very well either. I had to constantly remind him to listen and to pay attention. I am constantly having trouble keeping him engaged. I keep thinking, "How can I keep him interested in the lessons?" Everyone else did a wonderful job!

On Tuesday, we read Chicka Chicka 123. I passed out apple trees and numbers. The students had to use the numbers and move them up the apple tree as I read the story. They had to be very good listeners. Everyone participated and listened during this activity. They did a great job!

On Thursday, we read Ten Black Dots. The students talked about the different numbers on each page and the pictures that it formed. The students had to count the number of dots on each page. After the story, I assigned each student a specific number of dots in which they had to design a picture. Most students were able to do this with ease. SM had a hard time coming up with something, DE did also. Everyone else was able to and their pictures turned out great. DE was talking and yelling at other students so I had to warn him.

On Friday, I had the students complete a social studies/literacy activity so we did not work on math.

Overall it was a great week. The studnets are starting to learn their numbers. I see improvements each and every day.

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