Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Week 4 reflection

Week four was an exciting week.

This was the first week that I taught from my own lesson plans. I taught one of our three literacy stations. My lessons were based on a Senses Unit that I am teaching my class. We are talking about one sense each day.

The students two favorite lessons so far have been Hearing and Touching. For the hearing lesson, I had them make their own phones. They loved it! One parent told me today that her daughter ran in the door to show her and instantly wanted to play with it.

The other sense that they really enjoyed was touching. I had many soft, hard, prickly, and rough objects for them to touch. I first had them pass around the objects and then once everyone was able to feel all of them, I had them select an object and tell me what it felt like. The students seemed to enjoy this because they were allowed to select their own object to work with.

I did have to make a few changed in my lesson. I added some examples that went along with the story we were reading to help the students understand. I also had to make a student my helper who was having trouble paying attention. (He passed out the objects for me.)

Overall the senses unit has been a success. I am looking forward to the two senses we have left to discuss and learn about.

I feel that I am growing as a teacher. I have noticed that I am using better positive strategies when dealing with my students because it tends to work better then the negative ones. My host teacher has been a wonderful mentor with this.

I am looking forward to tomorrow! :)


  1. I'm not sure why my posts are moving around. I am going to try to fix them. Please be patient with me.



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