Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Week 8 reflection

This week I introduced the students to patterns for my action research.

I started each lesson by reading/introducing a children's math book to the students. We read Patterns on Tuesday. The entire book was full of different patterns that you can find all around you without even knowing it. Mrs. B observed me on that day, which was the students first day of learning patterns. I thought they did a wonderful job of searching and finding the patterns in the story. They were engaged tremendously and were excited to find new patterns.

The rest of the week we continued to expand our minds and observations while looking at the Patterns book and we also read another book called: Pattern. The students completed many different activities- using musical instruments to create patterns, using plastic bears to design their own patterns, and even using our classroom SmartBoard to make dot patterns.

The student absolutely love using the SmartBoard which is a great educational tool in our classroom. They also enjoyed the musical instruments. One student had some trouble following diretions during our instrument lesson- "D" threw and instrument intrument into the box, so he had to pull a card. But other than that, I received great participation from the rest of the students. I constantly had to remind, "Student A" to raise his hand and wait his turn, but he had an overall pleasant day.

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