Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Week 15 reflection

This was my last full week of teaching. I finished all of my action research last week so this week I focused on literacy cso's.

On Monday- I worked on writing with the students. I read them: Peanut Butter Jelly. The students loved the book because it relates to one of their favorite sandwiches. We talked about the book and then I had them write their favorite type of sandwich. They had to write a sentence. First they told me what it was, I wrote down the different types and then they copied to word. For kindergarten this is a pretty hard task for some of them. Most of them did a great job!

On Tuesday we talked about the beginning, middle and end of stories. This was a hard concept for some of them. They also had to write the sentence, "I would make a _____ cake". They copied from a list of words that I had. We also read "The Bunny Cakes".

Wednesday we talked about pizzas. I had them write their favorite topping of pizza and also had them draw me a picture of the perfect pizza.

On Thursday we read, "Stone Soup". I had the students think of how they could change the ending of the story. Some students said that they would make the rock change into meat. Some said they would have the man stay and never leave. It was great to see the creativity. I kept wondering: What else can I do to motivate them to come out of their comfort zone and be more creative?

On Friday, we talked about different rhymes. I read two sentences and had the students find the two words that rhymed. They also had to act out the rhyme, "Old Mister Rabbit". I had them draw the vegetable garden. Then one student at a time was the rabbit when everyone else was the garden.

This week I was able to try new lessons that I never had the chance to do before. I learned alot about different teaching styles and really enjoyed it. The students really enjoyed them also.

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