Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Week 13 reflection

We continued to work on our Community Workers Unit and Number Identification Unit. The students are continuing to learn their numbers, they are doing a great job!

Monday through Wednesday, instead of a numbers unit, I introduced the students "Words Around Our Town" Book. As a class the students looked through newspapers and cut out words that they could read that were in certain catergories (restaurants, stores, food, candy, signs, and more). The students worked as a class to search, cut out, and paste their pictures. After they finished the book, I cut it out and laminated it. It will become a take home book for the studnets to use. They are very eager to take it home.

On Thursday and Friday, we continued our numbers unit. The students played a number game in which I layed out numbers 0 to 10. They had to flip a penny or a bean bag and whatever number it landed beside they needed to identify it. They also had to count to that number as they walked beside the paper numbers. They could also dance, hop, be silly, etc. They were not allowed to jump though because I did not want anyone to get hurt.

Overall it was a very good week. I am seeing the students improve each day with their number identification skills. :)

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